
Talal Alafghani

Partner/Co-Founder - Nifty Souq
11.00am - 11.40am

30th June 2022 AGENDA

Introductory Workshop: Your journey to creating NFTs

Talal Alafghani - Partner/Co-Founder - Nifty Souq

11.40am - 12.30pm

30th June 2022 AGENDA

Panel Session: How can you leverage NFT to create and market exclusivity?


Talal Alafghani - Partner/Co-Founder - Nifty Souq


  • Klime Mickovski - Head of Digital Data Analytics and Research - Department of Culture and Tourism
  • Chantal Asaad  - NFT Art Specialist/Marketing Communication Consultant - Terra Virtua/BlueGuard ME
  • Ryan Howells - CEO - The Rare Antiquities Token
  • Siegrid Althuizen - CEO - SkyneNFT